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Announcing haskell-cli-template

·1 min

Last October, I announced servant-template, a cookiecutter template for creating production-ready Haskell web services.

Almost immediately after making it, I wished I had something for building command-line tools quickly. I know stack comes with a heap of them, but:

  • it’s hard to predict what they’ll do
  • adding a new template requires submitting a PR
  • cookiecutter has existed for ages and is pretty much better in every way

So I made haskell-cli-template. It’s very simple, it just makes a Haskell command-line project with some tests, command-line parsing, and a CircleCI build.

I wanted to integrate logging-effect, but after a few months away from it my tired little brain wasn’t able to figure it out. I like command-line tools with logging controls, so I suspect I’ll add it again in the future.

Let me know if you use haskell-cli-template to make anything cool, and please feel free to fork and extend.